Friday, August 25, 2017

I am here for you

One evening quite recently, I lied down to rest and had a special experience with Jesus. In my spirit, I saw myself in the apartment of my paternal grandma, reliving a moment in my early teens. At the bedroom of that apartment, my grandma had a big mirror, and there was also a big closet of clothes in the room in dark wood. In the shelves under the mirror, there were some jewelry pieces and fragrances of grandma which I always loved to look at. One of fondest memories of the time was me playing in that room in big emptry TV box, imagining it as a house. Jesus brought me back to a moment in that room which I have not thought of recently. I was standing in front of the mirror and put on a new piece of clothing, which, looking back, was one of my favorites during my early teens. It was a purple summer onesee of shorts at the bottom and strap top, made from very soft and stretchy material; I could almost still feel the touch of that material in my hands. I relived that moment with Jesus and then heard Him say: I AM HERE FOR YOU. I could experience now that this piece of clothing was His special expression of love to me at a time, though I did not recognize it yet then. Indeed in those days it was difficult to get something interesting and colorful like that. Then I saw Jesus lifting me up in his arms, as a young teenager I was at a time, and turning around in the air, as we both were laughing. Later, I saw myself standing in front of the mirror again, and saw Jesus wrapping His arms around me from behind and saying: NOTHING CAN SEPARATE YOU FROM MY LOVE. That moment, sun rays from the window of the bedroom from the left were coming right to us and He was repeating:“Nothing… nothing… nothing can separate you from my love.” I also saw Him sitting on the side of the bed, holding me in total security and acceptance, and saying again: “I am here for you.”  Some other memories resurfaced, Jesus again assuring me that He is there for me, though it all. This experience in total went for about two hours. A deeper stability and assurance of His love throughout my life time was being worked into my spirit in the meantime. The experience somewhat resounded with the message at the website of Sue Bohlin, which I had listened to some weeks ago called “My precious bride”, available in full here Here some meaningful quotes for me from that message: “How beautiful you are, my darling, you are altogether beautiful, and there is no blemish in you. I want you to revel in my love for you, a love which is bigger and deeper than you can possibly understand, so you can let Me fill you till you are overflowing with the delight of being loved and cherished. I wove your inward parts in your mother’s womb, I watched you grow as I skillfully fashioned your body and soul, and when you were born, I smiled and said: “Oh… I did a very good job!” I think about you all the time. I know you better than you know yourself. I know every habit and every idiosyncrasy about you. You are my eternal companion to sit with Me on my throne. You are precious and honored in My sight and I LOVE YOU. No one and nothing can separate you from my love. Nothing… nothing…nothing can separate you from my love.“

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