Friday, November 18, 2016

Invisible, but real embrace

During my high school years, I attended a church youth group in my hometown. For some time, we also had a choir and performed in a nearby church of the same region. There was a guest pastor from another town for that occasion. We had good talks as I have seen him before at another event. He was middle-aged, passionate and speaking in the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. For that weekend, he invited me to visit the school he had established. Those were wonderful two days filled with deep talks and pastor honestly sharing from his life lesions with me and some others present. Although clearly pastor's life was not problem free, he was heartily laughing often. On Sunday morning, after listening to pastor preaching in his church with passion, we were spending time in the church yard, and it was a sunny weather in late spring. I was about to leave soon. Pastor embraced me for a while, and I felt pure love of God and safety in that moment. It was one of those out-of-the-earth moments when time stops. I believe in the spiritual realm I received something that is at times referred to as ‘the Father’s embrace.’ I have not seen him afterwards. Only once some years ago I wrote to this pastor to say how much I appreciated the visit that time, his heart of the father and that it strengthened me a lot during at that period in my life. He responded by short message which contained the right word at the right season, a deeply meaningful prophetic message I frequently recall.
An embrace can be immensely powerful. It communicates acceptance and assurance that all will be alright. What I am talking about here is not the “How do you do” kind of hug, although that can be nice and uplifting as well. I am talking about someone embracing you with compassion and understanding of what you have been through. There have been some memorable embraces in my life, and God has supplied some people to communicate that part of His love to me. But then again, there also have been difficult times when such people were not available. It is great to be embraced and comforted, but in life, it sometimes happens that we don’t have it when we need it most. Or, seeking comfort in someone’s arms or depending on someone for emotional support too much at times may not be safe or appropriate.
Looking back I also clearly remember instances when I felt in my spirit Jesus embracing me, when there was no one else to hold. Once the feeling was of an embrace so strong that it would almost make me lose my breath. A friend shared once that she had a dream that she somehow could not, and could not get into the arms of Jesus. I think for years of my life, I struggled in similar way, however, once this place in the arms of Jesus is found, you can find comfort there at the end of a difficult day. Yes, most of the time, you do not feel this embrace physically, but it is nevertheless real in the spirit and it makes difference. I have found solace there in distressing conditions and have been able to fall asleep peaceful and well. His arms are always there. It is invisible, but real embrace; we can choose to experience it, and it strengthens and makes difference. He says: “I alone am the One who comforts you. Why then are you afraid of mortals who die, of humans, who are like grass?” (Isaiah 51,12) He is full of compassion for our struggles. With Him, there are no hooks. He understands as no one else. The embrace of Jesus is the most dependable one, through every season of our lives.

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