Sunday, August 21, 2016

Encouraging word for special audience

Whenever I visit my hometown Aluksne in Latvia, I participate in the meetings of my local church. We are not a big group, so when usually I appear in summertime, our preacher asks me to share either testimony of what God has been doing in my own life or some spiritual encouragement that I have been reading or hearing lately. So usually I already try to come prepared and consider what it could be that I can tell others. I would also consider the audience of the occasion – would it be to women only, at a small group setting, or during the Sunday service. Also this summer, I shared few times. On one occasion, our preacher told me just before the service that I could speak that day. It happened in a situation when I was not very ready for that, so I had the worship time to figure out what topic to talk about. But it turned out good! It is a great training to be always prepared to testify or share the word of God and not to turn down the opportunities to do so when asked.
Few weeks later, shortly before my departure, an interdenominational fellowship event was planned at a countryside house. I knew I would be going and my father would be driving us and participating this time. Our preacher told me few days before the event that he expects me to share something at this gathering. I felt I had a difficult task in front of me as I knew this time part of the audience will be my father. I find it hard to perform in front of my parents. I remembered one occasion few years ago when my father came along for a fellowship. I tried to share something about recent topicalities in my life and did not feel so free. However, I did not want to turn down the upcoming opportunity and felt that the request was ordained by God. I wondered what would I share this time, knowing that he is going through health challenges right now. I was hesitant and confused for a while, but eventually, I prayed and felt I could simply share encouraging Bible verses which have helped me and add some own comments in the middle. I wrote all down long-hand, knowing in given conditions I may have difficulty to speak freely and will need a structure and something to stick to.
The evening came and we went to the fellowship. Over 20 people gathered, kids were playing, and we sang some worship songs, prayed, and enjoyed some food at the table. Finally, the moment came when our preacher asked me to share what I have prepared for. My father was sitting right next to me on the table. I started off about how life has some difficulties, but God is always with us. I shared Bible verses which have encouraged and sustained me through valleys in my life. These verses I had selected having my father in mind and knowing what he currently goes through. I hoped he would be touched personally by these verses of the Bible. As I shared, I felt my father breathing deeply next to me, and believers around nodding in agreement to what I read. I finished and asked our preacher to supplement, and he read a few supporting verses. A friend who was present commented later on that she felt my part went smoothly and confidently and that my father must have been proud of me. Although there was no direct feedback from my father later on, I felt that the courage to share some word of God in his presence was another little victory achieved during this trip, next to initiating prayer with my father.
There are occasions we do not know what to say. I believe that the word of God is always a good choice as it is alive and there is a promise that it will not come back empty (Isaiah 55,11). Our preacher also has encouraged me on numerous occasions - speak the word of God to your parents! To be able to come up with relevant God’s word at the right time and situation, of course we also have to know it well. Sharing our testimonies is one means by which we overcome (Revelation 12,11). Let us take courage, be brave and share God’s word or our own testimonies when we have opportunity, no matter what the audience may be – easy one or more challenging. This way, we are extending God’s invitation to all people. He wants everyone to come to the knowledge of Him and His kingdom to come into our midst. 

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