Saturday, February 27, 2016

God my Defender intervenes

Some years ago I was in a situation where I was heavily criticized. Each new sentence coming was like a lash of a whip coming over my head. I grew increasingly troubled on the inside, but the person was not even over yet. Suddenly, something remarkable happened. Person continued to pour out contempt, but the volume of the sound was getting lower and lower until I could not hear anything. I could see that something a bit supernatural was going on, because the person did continue to speak and I could still see the mouth moving. I was starting to feel kind of happy that I could not hear and understand the words and be hurt by them. I realized that God was intervening in the situation and turning off the volume of these accusations. I know that He felt strongly about shielding me and defending me.
I turned around and looked to another direction. After a moment, I found myself in a complete silence, as if time totally stopped. I saw myself in a circle of light, felt the inside of my being and my heart beating. Then, in the silence, I heard these words from God in my spirit: “You are a miracle. It is a miracle that you are alive. Your life is a miracle.“ In the meantime, the person had stopped talking and I just left without saying anything. In fact, I could not even remember any of the accusations expressed previously. Usually after situations like that, I would ruminate for a long time if the criticism was fair or it wasn’t fair, and if I could or could not have done something differently. This time, however, I was totally free from that. I was in a state of bliss and awestruck at the intervention I had experienced from God. He brought a different truth about me which is deeper and even more important. God chose to intervene and to defend me, and it meant much to me. This very memorable experience I have had only once.
We may not always be able to do all that is expected of us, even if we have goodwill. God sees our heart and our attitude, and that matters to Him even more than our output. You will not find a better Master and Lord anywhere - He is full of compassion and knows our limitations. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. When searching for Him, we are refreshed on the inside, but going overboard in meeting people’s demands will dry us out. He loves us just because we are and not depending on what we have or have not done. In Him, we have been created, we live, move and breathe, and that alone is a miracle. Our life is a miracle.

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