Friday, March 25, 2016

Learning to live from Christ’s victory

"When you were dead in your sins, God made you alive with Christ. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross" (Col. 2,13+15). There is so much that Jesus accomplished through His death and resurrection – forgiveness of our sins, making us right with God, and victory over the forces of evil. On this post, I would like to focus on the last one of these.
Couple of years ago still in Turku, Finland, I came back home after a prayer conference. Still full of the anointing received at the event, I was getting to a very special place in prayer. I was near reaching out to a deeper place in the heart of Jesus and entering inner courts of His holy presence. Suddenly, however, I was disturbed by an ugly image in my head which totally snapped me out of the place I was in the spirit. I opened my eyes, distraught with a disturbing feeling, and could not get back to where I was any more. This is one example of evil interference, and there have been more similar like this one and also different other kinds, such as persistent strongholds in relationships with some of my closest people.
As I have been looking for some answers for my own life and that of my loved ones, recently God was directing me towards the literature on breaking free from bondage. It is a heavy topic in some ways dealing with the strongholds in mind from the past and the works of the devil. It is not something I was taking on enthusiastically, but I did so out of obedience to God’s leading. At times I did not want to continue reading, as the spiritual battle in my mind was getting more intense and some old fears reviving. However, in midst of that I saw an encouraging vision. Jesus was standing opposite to me and took my hands in his. Then we were lifted up and I saw the forces of evil going crazy in a big tumultuous mess under our feet. However, me and Jesus were above that and only felt them occasionally touching and titillating our feet. Evil is already put under the feet of Christ (Matthew 22, 44), and since Christ lives in us (Col. 1, 27), also under our feel.
When we look at the end of Mark 16, it’s clear that the gospel, believing, freeing from evil, healing, and being victorious over various circumstances go hand in hand. Jesus won at the cross the devil and his schemes, but this victory does not come into our lives automatically, it needs to be appropriated. The Holy Spirit needs to quicken us to understand this authority and the victory which is ours through Him. We need to deal with the doors of entry of the evil one into our lives by confessing possible past involvements with the occult, our sins, and the sins of our ancestors. The battle is already won for us, but we still need to take up our sword. To experience His fullest for us, we need to learn to take our position in Jesus and not to be passive. We are the instruments that God wants to use in the process of deliverance and we must actively co-operate with Him. Recently He spoke to me clearly: “Don’t wait for help from aside. YOU are the answer. I will use YOU. Your loved one will be delivered through your prayer guided by my Holy Spirit in you.” And as soon as He is showing the next steps, I need to take them in obedience. It is not yet done, but I am in the process of the Holy Spirit working in me for a change and breakthrough, and I start to see the way out of the situations that have been stagnating for many years. I once told Him I don’t want the things to remain the same, and Jesus answered He doesn’t want that either! Jesus is eager to destroy the works of the devil, just as when He was on the earth. Now He is using us for that purpose. Glory to Jesus for these revelations and all the victories ahead!

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